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Coo weee - I'm back

I've not been blogging for a while 'kind of deliberately on purpose'.

I've missed not blogging regularly....
But I’ve also enjoyed not blogging as well... If that makes any kind of sense?

I suppose its the idea of just... sitting back and taking it all in wholly.... as opposed to taking in the tiniest bits of it (life and experiences I'm referring to here) and then rushing here to my blog to capture and regurgitate that sampling of something that has just happened or occurred.
Instead - I've just absorbed it all. Felt it. Lived it. Loved it.

And was just at peace with myself.

So much has happened in the last month or so and it's kind of hard to know where to begin really. But life definitely got a little bit crazy for me...
And I’ve loved every second of it. More on this another time.

But, 1 of my reasons for stopping blogging for a while was to see what all the parasites who visit this site regularly and steal or copy my ideas, would do in my absence... (Yes, I DO see your IP and know just how often you come here... Loser).

And what I had foresaw and predicted would happen - DID happen.

They blogged WAY less (cos they had nothing to copy) and when they did decide to blog...
Well, let's just say that even a kid with ADHD, pumped to the hills on coca-cola, sweeties, chocolate and even after popping a couple of ecstasy tablets to boot.... would find it hard not to fall asleep and into an instant coma from sheer boredom from my parasites blogs.

It feels so good to be proven right.

And yes I’m completely stroking my own ego, indulging myself in my own glory and superior ness and even sugar coating it with a tint of smugness thrown in just for good measure.


Because I’m good… and we all know it.

So there.


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