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Beach on Good Friday

Happy Easter!

I went on a thelma and louise style road trip yesterday with my friend Lorna...
It was a gloriously hot day on Friday, Good friday none the less...

Sat on the beach.
Ate fish and chips.
Drank a few jars of the good stuff.
All was lush indeed!!!!!

Us just remembering that we had camera's on us, for the first time.

Me and the Lornstar (self portrait)

Found a little sweetie shop window (whilst in the biggest queue i've ever seen for fish and chips), it was just like in the old days, with sweeties in big jars on really high shelves..
Just like when I was little.

There was so much choice that I spun around in circles; and then I became a little overwhelmed and walked out not purchasing anything.

L didn't get any sweeties either (and she's a proper sweetie monster).
Too much choice is bad!

The town high st of Whistable.
Boring pic... I know....

I love this pic...
This is me discovering the self timer function on my phone. Wayhey!

Lovely blue skies.. It was a gorgeous day.
Can you spot the polka dot bikini...?

Looking out to sea from our beach blanket...

Some random kid playing about in the pebbles...
and a boat floats gently on the horizon...

Pebbles that we collected for Lorna's Fish tank...
Don't ask..

I think we'd been in the sun too long.

It was a lovely day out of the city and away from my computer.


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