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'Are you my dad?'

There’s a man in the gym I’ve started to see recently.

And there’s something about him, I’m not sure what it is, or why it is, but I have this overwhelming sensation every time I see him, that he is my father.

I’m fully aware that that is a strange and bizarre statement to make, yet it’s truly something I feel.

I have not seen my dad since my mum and he split some 20 years ago.

I have no idea what he looks like except for a faded image in my head of an old sephia photo I saw once of him, when I was about 10. That’s all I have to go on.

What’s more peculiar, is how this gentleman in turn looks at me when he see's me.
I don’t mean in a sexual way.
I mean in more of a familiar way.
There is definitely a sense of ‘something there’.

Could it really be after all these years of no contact that the world is so small that he could turn up and be a local member of my gym?

I suppose weirder things have happened.

I’m truly stumped by this and have no idea how to approach this.
Surely you can't go up to a perfect stranger and say 'Are you my dad?'.

It would be the most incredible, amazing, powerful and inspiring thing that could ever happen to me, to find and get to know my father.


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