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Sexual health and HIV testing

I was in two minds whether to write about this or not as it’s a real personal issue, that one wouldn’t normally share. But I thought to myself, there’s actually nothing to be ashamed of at all and if my writing about it triggers just 1 person to think about it and go and get themselves checked out too, then that can only be a good thing.

Sensible Remi indeed :-)

So I went to ‘da clinic’ today to get myself checked out on the inside (like what I did there?).

And I’m pleased to report – all tests came back clear and I have no sexual diseases that can affect me, my future children or anyone else. It’s been that way for a good few years in fact, one must protect ones self.

My doctor went through my record and although I do a yearly drop in and get myself checked out, we discovered it has been just under 10 years since my last HIV test.

I was quite annoyed with myself about that.
Then I remembered some friends who’ve told me that they’ve never even been checked.
Then I didn’t feel quite so bad.

The doc told me that the average person who gets HIV in this day and age can now live until they are 80 with all the modern medicines and advancements.
Those who don’t get checked regularly enough and don’t catch it until it’s very late in the cycle - are the ones who get very sick and could possibly die.

He said there is no need for anyone to die early from HIV/Aids anymore.

I took the HIV test again.
Results back in a week.

Peace of mind is good.

Oh and the free condoms are fun too, they gave me a goodie bag with all sorts of flavours and varieties in there ;-)

Have you had yourself checked out lately?


Remi said...

All my tests came back clear/negative.
Happy days.


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